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历史和为什么是 MySQL2

¥History and Why MySQL2

MySQL2 项目是 MySQL-Native 的延续。协议解析器代码从头开始重写,api 更改为匹配流行的 Node MySQL。MySQL2 团队正在与 Node MySQL 团队合作,将共享代码分解出来并将其移至 mysqljs 组织下。

¥MySQL2 project is a continuation of MySQL-Native. Protocol parser code was rewritten from scratch and api changed to match popular Node MySQL. MySQL2 team is working together with Node MySQL team to factor out shared code and move it under mysqljs organization.

MySQL2 的 API 大多与 Node MySQL 兼容,并支持大多数功能。MySQL2 还提供以下附加功能:

¥MySQL2 is mostly API compatible with Node MySQL and supports majority of features. MySQL2 also offers these additional features: