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Cloudflare Workers

Support for non-eval parsers by using disableEval option.



要了解如何创建 Cloudflare Worker 项目,请参阅 Cloudflare Workers 文档

¥To learn how to create a Cloudflare Worker project, please refer to Cloudflare Workers Documentation.




MySQL2 依赖于 Node.js 模块,例如 neteventsstreamtls 等。你可以通过 wrangler.jsonc 文件使用 "nodejs_compat" 标志为 Cloudflare Workers 启用 Node.js 兼容性:

¥MySQL2 relies on Node.js modules, such as net, events, stream, tls, etc. You can enable Node.js compatibility for Cloudflare Workers by using the "nodejs_compat" flag through the wrangler.jsonc file:

"compatibility_flags": ["nodejs_compat"]

最低兼容日期为 2025-02-24,例如:

¥The minimum compatibility date is 2025-02-24, for example:

"compatibility_date": "2025-02-24",
"compatibility_flags": ["nodejs_compat"]

MySQL2 连接

¥MySQL2 connection

MySQL2 默认使用基于代码生成的解析器来提高性能,但由于 Cloudflare Workers 不提供评估支持,你可以使用 disableEval 选项禁用它:

¥MySQL2 uses a code generation-based parser for performance by default, but since Cloudflare Workers don't offer support for evaluations, you can disable it by using the disableEval option:

import { createConnection } from 'mysql2/promise';

export default {
async fetch(): Promise<Response> {
const conn = await createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
database: 'test',
disableEval: true,

const [results] = await conn.query('SHOW TABLES;');

return new Response(JSON.stringify(results));
} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;

对于所需的 SSL 连接,建议使用 Cloudflare Hyperdrive 连接池。

¥For required SSL connections, it is recommended to use the Cloudflare Hyperdrive connection pool.